Caught Up...

Friday, April 29, 2011

Long time, no see. Or hear. Or maybe read is more appropriate.
Whatever the case may be, 
I thought I'd share a few shots of some upcoming pieces I've been working on.
I feel like I've been caught up in a creative block riptide as of late.
The moment I feel it let up a bit and I think that I'm swimming towards freedom,
I'm pulled under.
  It is one of the most frustrating and downright painful periods for any artist.
And I am in the throes of a particularly nasty battle with the undertow right now.

Still, I must create. Must go on.
If I can somehow relax into it and keep the faith,
I'll hit the shore eventually.
This I know to be true.
These are my glimpses at the shoreline...


Till next time...

Still swimming,

I Dream in Color

Monday, April 4, 2011

I often have the most amazingly vivid dreams.
Sometimes as surreal as a Dali painting, sometimes quiet and understated.
But ALWAYS in the most incredible palette of colors-
some which I don't think I've ever seen in "real" life...

I chanced upon a stone a while back that blew me away and instantly I thought of my dreaming life. Where it might actually be possible for a butterfly to be born out of stone.
I crafted this lovely with that image in my mind.
Coupled with a quote from the Beatles, it couldn't be more perfect:)
**Listen To The Color Of Your Dreams**
Sterling and Crazy Lace Agate
Built for those us who ALWAYS dream in color.
And like it that way;)

Available in the SHOP shortly..
